Friday, September 18, 2009

second project

Text as Art

Twitter me this…

As we know Twitter is this ridiculously popular social networking thing. 140 characters per message to express yourself to your friends, to update them on every small thing you do, every little tiny thing you do.

Well, artists have been effectively using short pieces of text for years to express an idea, to explore concepts, and to generally challenge people. I showed you a few examples in class the other day, but below is a much longer list of artists who have worked with text.

Your assignment, as you may recall, is to stick within the confines of Twitter’s 140 character count (and that includes spaces), but to create a work of art within those confines. Yes, you can combine an image with the text to create the artwork, you can repeat the text, you can do many things… as long as you have a conceptual reason for doing so.

I talked quite a bit about how artists view language, that language is this seemingly invisible thing that is turned visible by their acts. We will continue to explore the ideas of text-based art over the next few weeks. To begin with do some research yourself, look up the artists I have listed, go online and do some independent research, maybe go to the library. For Monday’s class I would like you to bring with you some ideas for discussion after our crit. Good luck, and check back at the blog for further updates.

Artists working with text:

El Lissitzky

Andy Warhol

Alexander Rodchenko

Kurt Schwitters

F.W. Marinetti

Rene Magritte

John Heartfield

Hannah Hoch

Ed Ruscha

Barbara Kruger

Sabrina Ward Harrison

Dan Eldon

Tauba Auerbach

Jenny Holzer

Cy Twombly

Kay Rosen

Robert Indiana

Jasper Johns

Roy Lichtenstein

Guerilla Girls

Lawrence Weiner

William Wiley

Alexis Smith

Jeff Soto

Raymond Pettibon

Glenn Ligon

Bruce Nauman

Christopher Wool

Neil Jenney

Joseph Kosuth

Nancy Dwyer

John Baldessari

John Michel Basquiat

John Cage

Robert Rauschenberg

Tim Rollins and

Kids Of Survival

Trenton Doyle Hancock

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